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2009年美国大学生数学建模竞赛与交叉学科竞赛报名通知(中英文对照)         ★★★
作者:佚名 文章来源:本站原创 点击数: 更新时间:2008/10/19 20:09:04

MCM is a contest where teams of undergraduates use mathematical modeling to present their solutions to real world problems. MCM 是大学生组队通过对现实生活中提出的问题建立数学模型来提出解决办法的竞赛


MCM will take place February 5--9, 2009 . Advisors can register teams online now. Note that we have made a number of changes in the contest policy and registration process since last year; all advisors should read the registration instructions and contest rules thoroughly.


本届MCM将与2009 年2月5—9日举行。参赛者现在可以以队的形式在线注册。要特别注意的是:今年的竞赛规则和注册流程与上届相比已经做了若干的调整。所有的参赛者应该仔细地通读“注册帮助”和“竞赛规则”。

ICM, the Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling, is a part of MCM. Advisors wishing to register a team for ICM should register for MCM via this web site, and should choose "problem C" when selecting the problem for their team to solve.

ICM,交叉学科建模竞赛,是MCM 的一个组成部分。愿意参加ICM比赛的选手在队伍注册时应该同样在本站的MCM注册页面上提交注册,并且在比赛时应该选择“问题 C”进行解答。

MCM: The Mathematical Contest in Modeling
ICM: The Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling



Contest Registration and Instructions
(All instructions and rules apply to ICM as well as to MCM, except where otherwise noted.)

To participate in MCM a team must be sponsored by a faculty advisor from their institution. The registration process must be completed by the advisor.


MCM/ ICM比赛规则的改变已经被红色高亮标注。(蓝色为数学中国标注,

There are several procedures that a team's advisor must go through at various times before, during, and after the contest. Please read these instructions carefully and be sure to complete all the steps involved. It is the advisor's responsibility to make sure that teams are correctly registered and that all steps required for participation in MCM/ICM are completed.

每队指导教师在赛前、赛中和赛后都需办理一系列的手续。请认真阅读这些说明,确保完成了所有相关的步骤。每位指导教师的责任包括确保每个参赛队正确注册并正确完成参加MCM/ ICM所要求的相关步骤。

We Suggest printing a copy of these contest instructions for reference before, during, and after the contest.

竞赛主委会建议在比赛前做一份《竞赛注册和指导 》的拷贝,以便在竞赛时和结束后作为参考。


Note that COMAP is in the USA Eastern time zone; all times given in these instructions are in terms of Eastern time.

注意:COMAP 位于美国东部时区,本《指导》中所涉及的所有时间均指的是美国东部时间

If a team has been caught violating the rules, the faculty advisor will not be allowed to advise another team for one year and the advisor's institution will be put on one year's probation.
Should a team from that institution be caught violating the rules a second time, then that school will not be allowed to compete for a period of at least one year.

Before the contest registration deadline at 2pm EST on Thursday February 5, 2009:

Register your team online: 在线注册

The registration process will take you through a series of screens that ask you for your email address and contact information. Enter the required information as you step through the screens.

IMPORTANT: Be sure to use a valid current email address so that we can use it to contact you at any point before, during, or after the contest, if necessary.

1.  All teams must be registered before 2pm EST on Thursday February 5, 2009. At that time the registration system will stop accepting new team registrations; any team not registered by that time will not be able to participate in MCM 2009 . No exceptions will be made.

2. To guard against the possibility of interruptions in internet service we recommend that all teams complete the registration process well in advance of the deadline of 2pm EST on Thursday February 5, 2009. COMAP cannot accept late registrations for MCM/ICM under any circumstances, even if you are unable to reach our web site on the day of the contest. No exceptions will be made.
2、为避免到时网络因故中断服务的发生,COMAP 建议所有的参赛队在美国东部时间2009年2月5号(星期四)下午2点以前完成报名注册程序。届时系统不会受理任何情况下的推迟注册,即使参赛者因故不能够在竞赛当天访问我们的网站。不存在例外情况。

3. Registration is via the contest web site. To register a team, go to http://www.comap.com/undergraduate/contests/mcm. If you are registering your first team for this year's contest, click on Register for 2009 Contest on the left-hand side of the screen.
如果您刚刚开始注册2009年度竞赛的第一个参赛队,请点击网页左边的Register for 2009 Contest 。

If you have already registered a team for this year's contest and want to register an additional team, click on Advisor Login and then login with the email address and password that you used when you registered your first team. Once you're logged in, click on the Register Another Team link near the upper right corner of the page and follow the instructions there.
如果您已经注册过一个参赛队而想为另外一个参赛队注册,请点击 Advisor Login,打开页面后请您使用在注册第一支参赛队时使用的E-mail地址和密码进行登入。登入之后请点击网页右上角的 Register Another Team 链接,按照我们的指导进行下一步。

An advisor may register at most two teams. If you already have two teams registered then the Register Another Team link will not appear and you cannot register another team.
一个指导教师最多只能注册两个参赛队。如果你已经注册了两个参赛队,Register Another Team 链接将会消失,同时您将不能再注册其他参赛队。

4. Registration Fee :注册费用
One of the final steps in the registration process is payment of the $ 100 registration fee per team. We accept payment via Mastercard or Visa, and payment must be made via our secure web site. We regret that we are not able to accept other forms of payment.
最后的注册步骤之一就是每个参赛队必须交纳 $ 100  的注册费。我们通过 Mastercard Visa 收取注册费。而注册费收取的相关步骤必须通过我们安全的网页进行。非常遗憾我们不能接受其它形式的支付。

The pages that process your credit card payment on our site are secure pages, which means that your credit card number is protected with encryption while being transmitted from your computer to our server. Our system does not store your credit card number; we only use it long enough to process your payment.

5. Once we have received approval from your financial institution (this takes only a few seconds), the system will issue a control number for your team. Your team is not fully registered until you have received a team control number. You should print out the page that gives your team control number; it also contains a reminder of the email address and password that you used when registering, and you will need these to complete the contest procedures.
5、一旦我们收到了您的信用卡机构的确认(这往往只需要数秒钟),我们的系统将为您的参赛队自动生成一个控制编号。参赛队在没有收到控制编号以前都是没有完成参赛注册的。您必须将给出参赛队控制编号的网页打印出来。该网页同时也包含了你注册时所提供的 E-mail 和密码的提示,您在完成比赛的整个过程中将会用到它们。

6、You will not receive any email confirmation of your registration; the only confirmation you will receive will be the screen giving your team's control number.
6、您不会收到任何 E-mail 形式的注册确认信。您唯一能收到的注册确认就是显示您参赛队的控制编号的网页。

7、The screen giving your team's control number is your confirmation that your team has been registered. In order to participate in the contest, however, you will need to return to the contest web site several times to enter and confirm information about your team, and to print out your team's control and summary sheets that you will use when preparing your team's solution packet. Please read the instructions below for details on these steps.

If at any point before or during the contest you need to change any of the information (name, address, contact information, etc) that you specified when you registered, you can do so by logging in to the contest web site with the email address and password that you used when registering (click on the Advisor Login link on the left side of the screen). Once logged in, click on the Edit Advisor or Institution Data link near the upper right corner of the page.
如果需要在赛前或是赛中改变任何您在注册时所填写的参赛信息(姓名、地址、联系资料等)时,你可以点击页面左边的 Advisor Login  链接并使用你的 E-mail 和密码登入大赛的网站。登陆以后点击页面右上角的 Edit Advisor or Institution Data  链接进行修改。

8、Return to the contest web site regularly to check for any updated instructions or announcements about the contest. Except in extreme circumstances, COMAP will not send any confirmation, reminders, or announcements by email. All communication regarding the contest will be via the contest web site.
8、您必须经常性地访问竞赛网站查看更新的说明或与竞赛有关的通知除非在极端的情况下,COMAP是不会通过 E-mail 发出任何确认、提醒或是通知。所有与竞赛相关的消息将通过竞赛的网站发布。

Before the contest begins at 8pm EST on Thursday February 5, 2009:

Choose your team members:
1. You must choose your team members before the contest begins at 8pm EST on Thursday February 5, 2009 . Once the contest begins you may not add or change any team members (you may, however, remove a team member, if he or she decides not to participate).
2. Each team may consist of a maximum of three students.
3. No student may be on more than one team.
4. Team members must be enrolled in school at the time of the contest, but do not have to be full-time. They must be enrolled at the same school as the advisor and other team members.




When the contest begins at 8pm EST on Thursday February 5, 2009 :

Teams view the contest problems via the contest web site:
1. The contest problems will become available precisely at 8pm EST on Thursday February 5, 2009 ; team members can view them by visiting
http://www.comap.com/undergraduate/contests/mcm. No password will be needed to view the problems; simply go to the contest web site at or after 8pm EST on Thursday February 5, 2009 and you will see a link to view the problems.
2. If for some reason you cannot access our main web site at that time, go to our mirror site at
http://www.mirror.comap.com/mcm or click here . The contest site and the mirror site are on two completely different networks in different parts of the USA. If you cannot access either one of them then it probably means that there is a problem with your local internet connection and you should contact your ISP to resolve the issue.
3. The contest consists of a choice of three problems: A, B, and C.
o MCM teams should choose either problem A or problem B; an MCM team may submit a solution to only one of the problems. MCM teams should not choose problem C.
o ICM teams should choose problem C. There is no choice for ICM teams. ICM teams should not choose problem A or B.

1、 赛题会于美国东部时间2009年2月5日(星期四)晚上8点公布:所有的参赛队员可以通过访问
http://www.mirror.comap.com/mcm 或者点击这里。竞赛的网站和镜像网站位于美国不同地方的两个不同的网络中,所以如果两个网页都不能访问,说明您的本地internet链接有问题,请与您的Internet服务提供商联系。

(本网站会在美国东部时间2009年2月5日(星期四)晚上8点与官方网站同时公布赛题,公布赛题的网址为:http://www.mcmicm.cn 和http://www.cmap-math.cn  大约一个小时候,在论坛及上述网址上公布赛题中文翻译!)
3、竞赛提供了三个赛题的选择:A, B or C.
请注意: MCM的参赛队必须选择赛题 A 或 B;MCM的参赛队只要提交两个问题之一的解决方案就可以。MCM参赛队不得选择赛题C。ICM的参赛队必须选择赛题C。ICM参赛队除了赛题C别无选择,不能选择赛题A或者          B。

Teams prepare solutions:

1、Teams may use any inanimate source of data or materials --- computers, software, references, web sites, books, etc., however all sources used must be credited. Failure to credit a source will result in a team being disqualified from the competition.

2.Team members may not seek help from or discuss the problem with their advisor or anyone else, except other members of the same team. Input of any form from anyone other than student team members is strictly forbidden. This includes email, telephone contact, personal conversation, communication via web chat or other question-answer systems, or any other form of communication.

3、Partial solutions are acceptable. There is no passing or failing cut-off score, nor will numerical scores be assigned. The MCM/ICM judges are primarily interested in the team's approach and methods.
3.部分解决方案是可接受的。大赛不存在通过或是不通过的分数分界点,也不会有一个数字形式的分数。MCM /ICM的评判主要是依据参赛队的解决方法和步骤。

4、Summary Sheet 摘要格式
The summary is a very important part of your MCM paper. The judges place considerable weight on the summary, and winning papers are sometimes distinguished from other papers based on the quality of the summary. To write a good summary, imagine that a reader may choose whether to read the body of the paper based on your summary. Thus, a summary should clearly describe your approach to the problem and, most prominently, what your most important conclusions were. The summary should inspire a reader to learn the details of your work.  Your concise presentation of the summary should inspire a reader to learn the details of your work. Summaries that are mere restatements of the contest problem, or are a cut-and-paste boilerplate from the Introduction are generally considered to be weak.

摘要是 MCM 参赛论文的一个非常重要的部分。在评卷过程中,摘要占据了相当大的比重,以至于有的时候获奖论文之所以能在众多论文中脱颖而出是因为其高质量的摘要。好的摘要可以使读者通过摘要就能判断自己是否要通读论文的正文部分。如此一来,摘要就必须清楚的描述解决问题的方法,显著的表达论文中最重要的结论。摘要应该能够激发出读者阅读论文详细内容的兴趣。那些简单重复比赛题目和复制粘贴引言中的样板文件的摘要一般将被认为是没有竞争力的。

To Summarize:概述

Restatement Clarification of the Problem - state in your own words what you are going to do.

Assumptions with Rationale/Justification - emphasize those assumptions that bear on the problem. List clearly all variables used in your model.


 Model Design and justification for type model used/developed.

Model Testing and Sensitivity Analysis, including error analysis, etc.

Discuss strengths and weakness to your model or approach.

Provide algorithms in words, figures, or flow charts (as a step by step algorithmic approach) for all computer codes developed.
提供在文字,图片或者是流程图 (如一步步的算法步骤)中用到的算法的所有计算机代码。
5、Conciseness and organization are extremely important. Key statements should present major ideas and results.

Present a clarification or restatement of the problem, as appropriate.

Present a clear exposition of all variables, assumptions, and hypotheses.

Present an analysis of the problem, motivating or justifying the modeling to be used.

Include a design of the model.

Discuss how the model could be tested, including error analysis and stability (conditioning, sensitivity, etc.).

Discuss any apparent strengths or weaknesses to your model or approach.

6、Papers must be typed and in English.

7、The solution must consist entirely of written text, and possibly figures, charts, or other written material, on paper only. No non-paper support materials such as computer files or disks will be accepted.

8、Each page of the solution should contain the team control number and the page number at the top of the page; we suggest using a page header on each page, for example:
    Team # 321                     Page 6 of 13  
    Team # 321                     Page 6 of 13

9、The names of the students, advisor, or institution should not appear on any page of the solution. The solution should not contain any identifying information other than the team control number.

10、Any preparation rule not followed is grounds for team disqualification.

After the contest begins at 8pm EST on Thursday February 5, 2009 :

Print Summary Sheet and Control Sheets

While the teams are preparing their solutions, the advisor should

1. Login to the contest web site (go to http://www.comap.com/undergraduate/contests/mcm.and click on Advisor Login and enter your email address and password). 

1.登陆大赛网站(访问http://www.comap.com/undergraduate/contests/mcm. 然后点击Advisor Login 输入您的 E-mail 地址与密码)。


2. Enter the team member names and confirm that they are correctly spelled. This is exactly as the names and institutions will appear on the certificates. COMAP will not make any changes or reprint certificates for any reason.
2. 输入参赛成员的姓名,确认拼写正确。这些参赛成员的姓名与学校名称将与出现在证书上的信息一致。请注意:COMAP不接受任何原因导致的证书的更改与重新认证。

3. Specify the problem that your team has chosen to solve.
3. 特别指明您的参赛队伍所选择的赛题。

4. Print one copy of the control sheet.
4. 打印一张控制页面的拷贝。

5. Print one copy of the team summary sheet.

When the contest ends at 8pm EST on Monday February 9, 2009

Prepare Solution Packet:

1. Have each student sign the control sheet, pledging that they have abided by the contest rules and instructions.
1. 所有的参赛选手需在控制页上签名,保证他们严格遵守了比赛的规则和说明。

2. Take the completed summary sheet that your team has prepared and make three copies of it.

3. Make three copies of your team's solution paper. Staple one copy of the summary sheet on top of each copy of the solution paper.

4. Staple the control sheet on top of just one copy of the solution paper.

5. You are now required to include an electronic copy of your team’s solution papers. Please enclose a CD-ROM with a PDF or Word file of your paper. DO NOT include programs or software on these disks as they will not be used in the judging process.If you have more than one team it is recommended that you add all your teams to a single CD-ROM and label it with contest, year, and team control numbers.
Example:   Contest Year         Control Numbers
               2009 MCM/ICM          10004, 10005
例如:Contest Year Control Numbers
2009 MCM/ICM 10004, 10005

Mail Solution Packet:

1. After you have prepared your team's solution packet as above, mail it to
1. 在准备好以上要求的邮包后,将它寄到
MCM/ICM Coordinator
175 Middlesex Turnpike, Suite 3B
Bedford, MA 01730

2. COMAP must receive your solution on or before Friday February 20, 2009 . It is your responsibility to make sure that your team's solution packet arrives at COMAP by this deadline.
2. COMAP需在2009年2月20日星期五之前(或当天)收到参赛队邮包。每个参赛队必须确保其邮包在截止日期前寄到COMAP。

3. Use registered or express mail if necessary to insure that your solution arrives at COMAP by Friday February 20, 2009 .
3.  为了确保您的邮包能在2009年2月20日(星期五)之前到达COMAP请采用挂号或特快邮寄。

4. COMAP will not accept late solutions under any circumstances.

5. If you require confirmation that your paper was received by COMAP, send the packet via a carrier that provides package tracking. Due to the number of papers received, COMAP can not answer receipt inquiries or emails.
5. 如果您需要 COMAP 给出收到邮包的确认,请委托提供包裹签单的邮递员寄送。由于参赛论文数量众多,COMAP 对于没有特殊要求回复的邮包将不提供来函确认服务。

After the contest is over:


Confirm that your team's solution was received at COMAP: 

A few days after mailing your solution packet, you may login to the contest web site using the Advisor Login link to verify that your team's solution was received at COMAP. Please allow several days for us to process your packet before expecting to see this confirmation.
在寄出赛题解决方案的几天以后,您可以登陆大赛的网站,点击 Advisor Login 链接来核实COMAP是否收到了您的赛题解决方案。在收到确认以前请您耐心等待几天。



Judging will be completed by May, 2009. The solutions will be recognized as Unsuccessful Participant, Successful Participant,Honorable Mention, Meritorious, or Outstanding Winner.
评判工作将在2009年的5月结束,所有的参赛论文将被评定为Unsuccessful Participant(未成功提交解决方案), Successful Participant(成功参赛奖), Honorable Mention(提名奖即二等奖), Meritorious(一等奖), 或 Outstanding Winner(特等奖)几个等级。

Check Results
Return to the contest web site periodically to check for the results of the contest. It will take several weeks for the judges to evaluate the solutions and for COMAP to process the results. We will post the results on the web site as soon as they are available. Please do not call or email COMAP asking when the results will be available; simply visit the contest web site regularly to check for them.
请定时登陆大赛的网站查询比赛结果。在结果公布以前,COMAP会花几个星期来评判所有的赛题解决方案及处理比赛结果。一旦所有的结果被确定,我们会立刻在网页上公布。请不要来电或是来函到COMAP询问比赛结果。只需在结果正式公布后访问我们的网站即可查询到。 (等成绩公布后,我们会核实与统计中国参赛队的获奖信息)

Receive certificate
At some point after the results have been issued, each team that participated successfully will receive a certificate of participation. All international teams will now ONLY receive an electronic (PDF) certificate. The certificate will be mailed  or emailed to the advisor at the address used during the registration process. Please allow several weeks after the results are posted to the contest web site before expecting to receive your certificate.

结果公布后,所有的成功参赛队将会收到参赛的证书。所有的国际参赛队仅能收到一个电子版(PDF)的证书。 证书将被邮寄或发电子邮件到指导教师在注册时所提供的地址。在网站公布成绩后请耐心等待证书。


• The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) will designate an Outstanding team from each of the three problems as an INFORMS winner
• The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) will designate one Outstanding team from each problem as a SIAM winner.
• The Mathematical Association of America (MAA) will designate one Outstanding team from each problem for the MCM as a MAA winner.


  • The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) 将从所有的参赛队(区分赛题)中选出一个特别优秀的参赛队作为INFORMS 的优胜队。
  • The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) 将从每个赛题所有的参赛队中选出一个特别优秀的参赛队作为SIAM的优胜奖。
  •  The Mathematical Association of America (MAA) 将从每个赛题所有的参赛队中为MCM选出一个特别优秀的参赛队作为MAA的优胜奖。


Note: COMAP is the final arbiter of all rules and policies, and may disqualify or refuse to register any team that, in its sole discretion, does not follow these contest regulations and procedures

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