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[图文]PTC Mathcad 14.0 M020 (交互式数学计算)         ★★★
PTC Mathcad 14.0 M020 (交互式数学计算)
作者:佚名 文章来源:本站原创 点击数: 更新时间:2008/8/16 21:30:00
Mathcad v14 M020于2008年4月发行 作为运算管理平台,目前已经为上百万的科学研究人员、工程技术人员、教育工作者以及学生提供了无与伦比的帮助。复杂数学运算艰深繁琐,选对工具却可轻松愉快。
MathCAD 14.0 工程计算数学软件

MathCAD 系统
如今,顶尖的工程师使用 Mathcad 来执行、记录和共享工程计算及设计工作。 独特的 Mathcad 可视化格式和便笺式界面将标准的数学符号、文本和图形均集成到一个工作表中 - 使 Mathcad 成为知识捕捉、工程计算重用和工程协作的理想之选。
Mathcad 推动了创新,并为产品开发和工程设计项目提供了显著的个人和过程生产效率优点。 与专有的计算工具和电子表格不同,Mathcad 允许工程师利用详尽的应用数学函数和动态、可感知单位的计算来同时设计和记录工程计算。
Mathcad 的最新功能和改进&Mathcad 14.0 中有何新功能
易学易用 - 无需特殊的编程技能
包括可感知单位的动态计算和数百个内置函数 可互操作
轻松地与其他应用程序进行集成,包括 Pro/ENGINEER 和 PTC 的产品开发系统 可伸缩
附加的工程库、扩展包和 Mathcad 计算服务器 易于使用的帮助功能
为所有操作提供指导教程 直观的白板界面
让您同时设计、求解和记录工程计算 集成的标准数学符号、文本和图形

Mathcad 14.0 中有何新功能
Mathcad 14.0 是 PTC 自从在 2006 年 4 月收购 Mathsoft 以来首个全球发布的 Mathcad 版本。 此版本包含多项重大改进,它们改善了目前由 Mathcad 产品系列提供的个人和工程过程生产力效益。
9 种语言
Mathcad 现在同样提供 PTC 以往提供的 9 种语言版本:英语、德语、法语、意大利语、西班牙语、日语、简体中文和繁体中文、朝鲜语。
全面支持 Unicode
Unicode 能实现一致的工作表显示,而不管操作系统、区域设置或语言设置是什么。 用户可以在 Mathcad 工作表的任何区域中使用所有与地区和专业相称的必要符号(包括变量名称、绘图标签等)。 Mathcad 现在更好地支持亚洲字符,提高了可用性、简化了日语字符的插入并提高了个人生产力和全球协作效率。
新的工作表比较功能使用户能够以可视方式比较 2 个相似的工作表,并快速识别已添加、更改或删除的区域。 这增强了协作、提高了工作表重用率以及增强了工程师创建和审核工程计算的能力。
得到增强的工作表搜索功能现在可标识处于工作表折叠(隐藏)区域中的搜索结果,从而能更全面地报告搜索结果。 这改善了工程设计的效率、质量和协作。
此功能允许用户在一条语句(一行)中定义和求解方程,从而使文档变得简洁并支持标准报告格式。 这节省了工作表空间,并改善了工作表的组织和清晰度。
行内数值求解还通过将变量名称绑定到行内数值求解的结果,增强了现有的显式计算功能。 显式计算允许用户用值来代替方程中的变量,以记录和验证使用了正确的值来计算结果。 用户可以利用 Mathcad 14.0 中的增强功能来记录显式计算中的中间方程和结果。 显式计算的清晰度得以改善提高了校验、验证和审核工程计算的速度。 这一改进为那些将工作表作为设计建议书、标准守规文档或其他正式报告的一部分提交的工程师带来了好处。
Mathcad 14.0 对符号进行了重大更新,其中包括新的和增强的功能,例如符号向量化、完全求解、新的和经改进的关键字、连分数展式、扩展/分段/重复解。 这使用户能够推导公式、演示过程和记录工程推理。 超级用户、研究和设计工程师以及其他需要使用符号的博士级用户将从这些改进中受益匪浅。
新的梯度运算符和 Jacobian 矩阵。 这些新的符号功能使向量分析成为可能,特别是作为 genfit 和 stiff ODE 求解器的输入。 这些功能在符号和数值分析中均适用,它们使向量变得更简洁清晰。
新的和经改进的常微分方程 (ODE) 求解器使计算变得更快、更可靠。 为带有变化的尺度和求解周期的设计问题更快、更可靠地求解 ODE。 减少了求解困难的 ODE 问题所需的专业知识。 此改进使一大批工程师(特别是机械工程师)受益不浅。
ODE 矩阵运算的状态空间。 使用与专业相称的状态空间符号输入 ODE 的线性方程组。 更多特定于专业的符号,用于记录和捕捉知识资产。 这使开发和分析控制工程设计的用户受益匪浅。
提供用于定制 2D 绘图轴上的数字格式的新选项卡,允许用户快速定制图形。
支持极座标图上的负半径造就另一种样式的极座标图,从而改善了绘图质量和清晰度。 Mathcad 14.0 中的极座标图改进对于分析通信或天线设计应用中的电磁辐射的电气设计工程师很有用。
PTC 提供更多的支持
对 Mathcad 14.0 而言,签订了有效维护协议的客户现在可以使用 PTC 的全球每周 7 天、每天 24 小时的技术支持服务。 这显著地加强了以前的技术支持服务,使客户随时随地都能获得所需的支持。
单个用户将使用 PTC 的自动化许可基础结构激活 Mathcad 14.0 的新许可证和升级许可证。 Mathcad 针对单个用户实施的新 FlexLM 许可证管理提供了更可靠的激活过程,并改善了最终用户的体验。
Mathcad 文档和帮助资源现已本地化为 PTC 支持的所有 9 种语言,包括英语、法语、德语、意大利语、西班牙语、日语、朝鲜语以及简体中文和繁体中文。
新添加的 Mathcad 资源
Mathcad 的在线资源继续提供数以百计的工作表,它们举例说明了 Mathcad 所具有的数学能力深度,以及 Mathcad 支持的应用程序种类。 所有这些工作表均为实时的,因此,在您阅读教程或 QuickSheet 时,您可以看到工作中的 Mathcad,更改输入,并在输出更新时看到输出中的结果。 现在,Mathcad 14.0 附带了新的求解和优化库 E-book。
Migration Guide(迁移指南)
除了传统的帮助和资源之外,Mathcad 14.0 文档还为资深用户提供了重要的资源。 升级迁移指南论述了在最新版本中已升级的数学结构,以及这些结构可能引起的与旧版本 Mathcad 的任何不兼容性。 这使客户能够快速熟悉最新版本的 Mathcad 并利用他们现有的知识资产。
Mathcad 计算服务器的增强功能
Mathcad 计算服务器包含了 Mathcad 14.0 的所有实用功能。
Mathcad 计算服务器现在包含所有 Mathcad 扩展包,以全面支持此类 Mathcad 工作表:利用了仅在扩展包中提供而未在 Mathcad 基础产品中提供的计算函数。
Mathcad 计算服务器文档现已本地化为 PTC 支持的所有 9 种语言,包括英语、法语、德语、意大利语、西班牙语、日语、朝鲜语以及简体中文和繁体中文。

Mathcad 14.0 is PTC’s first global release of Mathcad since the acquisition of Mathsoft in April 2006. This release offers several significant enhancements which improve the personal and engineering process productivity benefits currently offered by the Mathcad product family.
Global Language Support
9 Languages
Mathcad is now available in the same 9 languages that PTC has historically offered: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Traditional and Simplified Chinese, Korean.
Full Unicode Support
Unicode enables consistent worksheet display regardless of operating system, locale or language setting. Users can use all necessary region- and discipline-correct notation in any area of a Mathcad worksheet including variable names, plot labels, etc. Mathcad now offers better support for Asian characters, improving usability, streamlining insertion of Japanese characters, and increasing personal productivity and global collaboration.
Improved Calculation Power and Clarity
Worksheet Analysis
New worksheet compare feature enables users to visually compare 2 similar worksheets and quickly identify added, changed, or removed regions. This enhances collaboration, worksheet reuse, and the engineer’s ability to and audit engineering calculations.
Enhanced worksheet search now identifies search results in collapsed (hidden) regions of worksheets, enabling a more complete reporting of search results. This improves engineering design efficiency, quality, and collaboration.
Inline Numeric Evaluation and Enhancements to Explicit Calculation
This capability allows users to define and evaluate equations in a single statement- one line- enabling compact documentation and support for standard report formats. This saves space on the worksheet and improves worksheet organization and clarity.
Inline numeric evaluation also improves the existing explicit calculation capability by binding the variable name to the result of the inline numeric evaluation. Explicit calculations allow users to substitute values for variables in equations to document and verify that the correct values are being used to calculate the result. Users can leverage the enhancement in Mathcad 14.0 when documenting intermediate equations and results in explicit calculations. Improving the clarity of explicit calculations enables faster verification, validation and auditing of engineering calculations. This enhancement benefits engineers who submit worksheets as part of a design proposal, standards compliance document, or other formal report.
Enhanced Symbolics
Mathcad 14.0 offers a significant Symbolics update which includes new and enhanced capabilities such as symbolic vectorization, solve fully, new and enhanced keywords, continued fraction expansion, extended, piecewise, and repeating solutions. This enables users to derive formulas, demonstrate process, and document engineering reasoning. Power users, research and design engineers, and other Ph.D. level users requiring symbolics will benefit from these improvements.
New gradient operator and Jacobian matrices. These new symbolic features enable vector analysis, particularly as input for genfit and stiff ODE solvers. Applicable in both symbolics and numerical analysis, these features enable streamlined and clearer vector analysis calculations for many users including power users and mechanical design engineers.
Enhancements in Mathematic Solvers
These enhancements allow users to solve and document a broader range of engineering design problems.
New and improved ordinary differential equation (ODE) solvers enable faster, more reliable calculations. Solves ODEs faster and more reliably for design problems with varying scale and periodicity of solutions. Reduces the expertise required to solve difficult ODE problems. This improvement benefits a broad range of engineers, especially mechanical engineers.
Statespace for ODE matrix operations. Enter linear systems of ODEs in a discipline-correct statespace notation. More discipline-specific notation for documenting and capturing intellectual property. This benefits users that develop and analyze control engineering designs.
Enhancements in Plot Formatting
Allow users to create better graphical reports, improving documentation, communication and collaboration throughout the product development process.
New tab for customizing number format on 2D plot axes allows users to quickly customize graphs.
Support for negative radii on polar plots results in an alternate style of polar plots, improving plot quality and clarity. Polar plot improvements in Mathcad 14.0 are useful for electrical design engineers analyzing electromagnetic radiation for communications or antenna design applications.
Increased PTC Support
With Mathcad 14.0, customers on active maintenance now have access to PTC’s global 24X7 technical support. This significantly increases the previous technical support offering, giving customers the support they need anytime, anywhere.
Single users will activate Mathcad 14.0 new licenses and upgrade licenses using PTC’s automated licensing infrastructure. Mathcad’s new FlexLM license management implementation for single users offers a more robust activation process and improves the end-user experience.
Documentation Enhancements
Localized Documentation
Mathcad documentation and help resources are now localized into all 9 languages that PTC supports including English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese.
New Additions to Mathcad Resources
Mathcad’s online resources continue to provide hundreds of worksheets that illustrate the depth of Mathcad’s mathematical power and the variety of applications that Mathcad supports. All of these worksheets are live, so as you read the Tutorials or QuickSheets you can watch Mathcad at work, change the inputs, and see the results in the outputs as they update. A new Solving and Optimization E-book is now available with Mathcad 14.0. (English only)
Migration Guide
In addition to the traditional Help and Resources, Mathcad 14.0 documentation offers an important resource for experienced users. The Migration Guide discusses math constructs that have been upgraded in recent versions and any incompatibilities those may create with older versions of Mathcad. This enables customers to quickly get up to speed on the latest version of Mathcad and leverage their existing intellectual property.
Mathcad Calculation Server Enhancements
The Mathcad Calculation Server includes all of the functional capabilities of Mathcad 14.0.
The Mathcad Calculation Server now includes all Mathcad extension packs to fully support Mathcad worksheets that utilize calculation functions that are only available in the extension packs and not in the base Mathcad product.
Localized Documentation
Mathcad Calculation Server documentation is now localized into all 9 languages that PTC supports including English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese.
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